Sunday, March 28, 2010

Finding Nemo

Photo taken while snorkeling in Dauin, Negros Island, PI

Every summer as a kid, I'd head to Industry Hills and swim for a few hours on their summer swim teams, head back home, watch TV and eat fast food and tons of watermelon.  My mom made my sister and me learn how to swim when we were wee little tykes because swimming was something she never knew how to do, but wished she could do.

I've always loved being in the water whether it be swimming  laps or playing around.  I'd often go to the bottom of the swimming pool and just look up to the surface--and that's exactly what I did the day I learned how to scuba dive in the Philippines.  I'd remember to do it every once in a while just to remind myself that yes, I was really deep below (12 meters or so) in the ocean and that yes, I was scuba diving that very moment.  After snorkeling in Thailand, I had an urge to try scuba diving.  It's something I've always wanted to do, a "things to do in life" item, but I didn't think this dream would be realized so soon.

When I was down there, my mind jumped around to thoughts from Am I breathing right?  Should I breathe in and exhale longer?  Ahh my throat is dry to OMahgahh I'm scuba diving!!  Omahgahh there's a sea turtle!  We're underwater!  Most of the time, I was concerned with my breathing.  You know the sound Darth Vader makes?  Well, that's what you sound like and all you hear down there.  Sometimes I had to remind myself to just look around and take it all in.  I still try and search for those images in my memory because I don't want to forget them.

Something about scuba diving made me feel like I was in space--not that I know how it is.  You sort of float around like I imagine an astronaut would.  You have weights that make you stay underwater, but then there's air in your vest that keeps you from hitting the bottom so you're free to glide through the water.  Oh and the water!  Crystal clear and a nice temperature, unlike the murky freezing cold waters of Cali's beaches.  We did a discover scuba package, so we got to do 2 dives, starting from the shore and into the ocean--no boring ol' swimming pool.       

To make things even more amazing, we got the boat to ourselves on our way there and learned off a gorgeous place, Apo Island:

Apo Island, PI

Welcome to Sea World! Laura, Kevin and me after our first dive

In short, my Philippines trip began on Monday in Cebu City to Moalboal on Cebu island.  Tuesday we arrived in Dumaguete on Negros Island and explored the city.  We stayed at Harold's Mansion, which I highly recommend for the price & activities they offer.  Plus Harold isn't an expat, but a local who owns the place and knows everything you need to know there.  On Wednesday we all went scuba diving and on Thursday, Laura and I relaxed by getting swedish massages and shopping, on Friday we snorkeled in a nearby city, Dauin, and by Saturday we returned to Cebu City for our flight and just stayed in the ginormous SM Mall the whole day for last minute shopping and grubbing.  Every night in Dumaguete, we hit up the restaurant/bar Hayahay for some drinks and good live music--from reggae to alternative depending on the night...a very good place to chill.  Out of all my trips so far, this was the perfect balance of activities and relaxing.

Dumaguete, Negros Island, PI

*Ah and yes, we found Nemo and were lucky enough to see 3 of Squirt's friends, Peach (the starfish), and thankfully, no Bruce.

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