Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wan Chai

Walk around Wan Chai at night and you'll find Hong Kong's red light district.  Strip clubs, neon lights, (unattractive and oddly non-Chinese) prostitutes, and old white men with cash in their hands and a hooker on an arm heading straight up to a motel for some lovin'.  So why go there?  Every Wednesday is ladies night at several bars that sit (almost) in a row--Carnegie's, Typhoon, Swindler's, and Mes Amis.  The crowd consists mostly of non-locals, businessmen, and of course, exchange students.

Ladies Night is something we need in Cali!  Free cover and free drinks for ladies all night.  Drinks are pretty much any hard alcohol mixed with any soda or juice.  The essence of it is to get girls super drunk so that all the guys who head out on ladies' nights buy expensive drinks and hope to eventually land a chick (at least this is what I think).  I haven't actually seen much of it going on, but I'm sure it does.  The first time we went out there, we had drinks at Mes Amis and they were half alcohol, half juice, and all disgusting...way too much alchie in there all at once, but it definitely made ladies night clear.  As we had more drinks, I noticed more guys standing around the bar waiting. 

Other than that, it's a good place to go to on Wednesday nights (though not as good as going to Lan Kwai Fong on Thursdays, in my opinion).  Although each bar is pretty small, we still find a way to get drunk and dance!  I've been there almost every week, but I'm staying in for the first time tonight (bit of a cough/sore throat)

9/2 First night in Wan Chai at Mes Amis-Susan, Melody, and me busting out the Asian poses

9/9 with Noelle and Mario who dance to everything including electro! <3

Listen to these and you're there:

I hear this song way too much:

Of course:


ahh they don't fit in my blog

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