Tuesday, September 15, 2009

When (most of) the City Sleeps...

Monday September 7th

At nighttime, a bunch of us received a text from Phuong, an exchange student from Australia.
"Anyone interested in leaving at 4am from the halls for dim sum then to the peak for a 6am sunrise? Let me know! Ask others too"

I was tired when I read it, but I knew I had to go.  Before that day, it felt like something was missing...perhaps the sense of adventure?  I'm not sure, but after going, I was happy that I did.

By the time we arrived at the dim sum place, it was already 3/4 full of old men.  Apparently, the place opens at 3am!  At this hole-in-the-wall, you go up to a table and grab your own dim sum to take back to your table instead of ordering or picking dishes out from rolling carts (anyone know if rolling carts even exist at yum cha places here?).  Of course, all of it was goood.

Me, Sungmin (from Korea), Phuong, & Ellen (my roomie's friend in HK for vacation) finishing dim sum on Hau Wo Street
random snap of the inside: bus drivers in light blue shirts (I wish I got a better picture of them)
The guy in green ended up being our taxi driver.  He played tour guide and dad, telling us which buildings were around us and warning us to stay safe.  I highly recommend going to The Peak before sunrise.  Although we couldn't really see the sunrise due to all the clouds, the air was cool and breezy (in great contrast to the usual hot and very humid weather) and the city was calm.  I love city life, but it's a nice little escape.  Plus, you can actually see the HK skyline (though still a bit hazy), which is often covered in smog.  


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