Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I already know how much I'm going to miss this place. My departure is months away, but I know it'll be hard to leave.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I honestly never know what Radiohead songs mean, but I just love their music...

Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

The past two/three weeks of the second semester at HKU have been pretty crazy.  There has been much more partying and crazy super random nights out this time around.  Not that there weren't last semester, but it's been heightened x 10 with the new kids, thus new atmosphere.  For about a week I slept at 6am every day.  It's all been super fun, but it's also come with consequences...being that I fainted today during dragon boat practice while we were running.  I was about to slow down and take off my sweater and the next thing you know, I'm on the floor looking up at my teammates extremely embarassed that I fainted for the second time.  It's never happened back home.  It was a reality check once again that I just need to take care of myself here.  I also don't want my own doings to affect my teammates...I don't want them to have to worry about me fainting every second.  This was the second time during practice that happened...sometimes I just overexhaust/exert myself here, which is no bueno.  I suppose I've been making choices for instant gratification without thinking of the long-run, which I think especially happens in this study abroad world.  It's a dream world of fun and now I just need to chill. out.

Because I also like this song.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ting Bu Dong

My sister, Liz, me and my cousin, Mary in Ximen, Taipei

I started the new year off with a weekend trip to Taiwan with my sister and cousin from the first to the third--short, but eventful in that we left with full and happy stomachs and new clothes (can't have enough!).  Taipei essentially equals a shopping and eating trip, which is what we succeeded at.  My cousin had been there about five times before and speaks some Mandarin, so she led the way for a chill trip.  What surprised me was how much Taipei reminded me of Seoul.  They're both more spread out in comparison to Hong Kong (which I've realized is extremely dense compared to every other city) and Ximen, as pictured above, looked a hell of a lot like Myeongdong--another shopping district in Seoul.  Kpop was even playing in stores! (my not-so-guilty almost year long obsession)  I was also really happy to see friends from home especially Miss Stacey Shiau.  We went through Literary Journalism together at UCI and now we're both in the same boat--abroad  in our motherlands and still sort of lost in what to do in our lives.  

With Stacey @ Shilin Night Market (tons of people and an overwhelming amount of clothes!)

Reunion @ Primo

Somehow being in Taiwan inspired me to have a yearning to learn Mandarin and to read/write Chinese.  I can understand a few phrases that sound similar to Canto, but it's extremely limited.  Maybe I'll take it this semester?  Having another semester here is kind of fresh and exciting again.  I can't believe I've already been away for four months.  New roommates, new hallmates, new classes...new year!