Monday, November 16, 2009


As expected, I let my blog die for a bit. There's so much to write about, but not enough energy (as this requires thinking) to do so at the moment. At the end of October I decided to extend my HKU program for another unnecessary semester. Unnecessary since I didn't have to do a 5th year at all, but I wanted to come to Hong Kong and I'm glad I did. I am soo not into studying especially in HK, thus this year may (sadly) drop my GPA. Classes end in less than 2 weeks and then finals and then (mostly) everyone goes home. 1 semester is way too short and I feel like there's so much more to do. I hope I'll satisfy this craving with the addition of another semester. Hopefully they'll let me move into a real hall next semester so I can see how that goes.

I haven't changed my plane ticket yet, but I expect to come home in June. June seems pretty far away. I definitely didn't prepare myself for a year away before leaving. The thought of it is almost scary in a way. I wish I could go back to Cali for at least a week. I thought I didn't get home sick and I don't, but here, I'm friendsick. When I studied abroad in Italy, I didn't really get this feeling. Sure I wish my friends were with me, but I suppose Italy = summer, fun, weekend trips to different cities, adventures, a new culture to experience, and my first time studying abroad. To any friends reading this, I MISS YOU!!!

I end with Khalil Fong. A friend's friend told me to check him out before I came to HK since he's from HK (but sings in Mandarin)and is super popular here. I don't know any Cantopop though since I don't listen to the radio nor have I listened to local students' ipods. Though I do know that most of Cantopop consists of love ballads (which imo, can get boring). Though this love song is not:

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