Sunday, October 25, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Made for Walking


I've been eyeing these Doc Marten-esque boots on fashion blogs for a while and then I went to Seoul, which made me want to actually buy a pair.  They were in shoe stands everywhere. The lowest price they would give me was 45,000 won = about $38 US, which is reasonable, but I figured I could get them in HK for a cheaper price.  I still wonder what the price would've been if I was Korean because whenever we asked, How much?, they would pause and we could see their minds churning to make up a price for us.  Hopefully they'll be in HK shoe stores once "winter" rolls around.

via (<--I love to look at this online Korean store for the way they style everything)

*not writing a paper (what's new?)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Home Sweet Home

It's been almost a month since I've updated and so much has happened!  My goal was to update at least once a week...maybe I'll try to do that now.

Before I got my housing assignment, I was really hoping to get an actual hall with local students so that I could meet more of them and get to know how Hong Kong college kids are compared to UCI.  HKU is also famous or notorious for hall culture.  The week before school starts, they have orientation or "O-Camp," where the newbies are essentially hazed fraternity/sorority style.  They have to do tasks until the wee hours of the morning, learn the hall song (some of my friends said they could hear them from the 15th floor), and then after O-Camp, they have to participate in hall activities like sports or culture clubs (drama, choir, dance, etc.) and weekly dinners with your floormates.  Due to this, I've been told that their GPAs usually suffer or they just don't sleep much.  They also have to participate if they want to continue living there every year.  I've met a few who hated it and just moved back home, but for the most party, people love their halls and have tons of  hall pride.  I though it'd be fun and interesting to experience it, but alas, I didn't get a hall.  I might've been able to switch, but I found out later on and by then, I figured it'd be too much of a hassle.

For the past 2 months I've been living in Patrick Manson Student Residence, where only exchange students live (I usually get a "huh? where's that?" from local students because it's sort of hidden on Sassoon Road).  Since we're not a real hall, we don't have many rules or hall activities.  I live in a triple and both of my roommates are from UCLA and they're both Communications majors with Asian American Studies minors.  We figured they put us together because of our majors since my majors are very very similar to theirs.  What were the chances of them studying Asian Am too?

I've come to accept that I can't have hall life, but it creeps up out of the back of my head every once in a while if someone else mentions it...



My side:

Thought I'd show you the beautiful shower (as long as it runs water!)

No complaints,'d be nice to control water temperature or have continously running water

A prime example of Hong Kong's paranoia of germs (somewhat understandable due to the fact that there are 7 million people packed in very little space)

Don't forget finger webbing!